Saturday 5 October 2013

The Himalayas

I surely cannot be as creative as Him! Though have tried to imitate one of his most beautiful creations... 

Painting Himalayas [from some artists painting, don't remember the name!] was a great experience, I took almost 4 sessions to finish it! The patience gave its fruit, white and serene :)

Saturday 10 August 2013

Banyan Tree

To paint the greens in the picture, wet in wet technique was used. This is a very interesting and effective method of watercolor application. In this method, you need to color when the nearby wash (or plain water wash) is still wet; the color should be allowed to diffuse naturally into the wet portion of previous wash without brushing. The wet in wet technique needs correct sense of color and spontaneity.

Saturday 3 August 2013

House in Water!

The white spaces left out shows the light falling on the house. It was difficult to create minute shadows on the walls of the house, though the overall painting was fun to do! :)

Wednesday 10 July 2013

My First Water Color Landscape

To be able to see what progress I have made, I decided to keep even the disasters! Landscapes have always been a task for me. I find it a bit difficult than flowers and leaves which requires finer strokes and detailing, while landscapes require openness in hands. But regular practice has helped me overcome this fear! [ you will see that in further posts :) ]

Saturday 29 June 2013


Using black water color not only looks nice but also gives a better understanding of the color gradation! In fact one should start with black and once you gain the expertise of getting correct shades of black, start using other colors...

Wednesday 19 June 2013


Nature Drawing is one of the topics in Elementary Examination. A close study of the lines and veins of leaves is required. The more details you add, more real it looks. The desired natural color is obtained by mixing sap green with either red, brown or cobalt blue (sometimes yellow for young leaves) as required with varying proportions of the two colors. To make the mid rib and venation, the first wash is done with lightest yellowish green [color varies according to the leaves that you are making of course!] and then the color of the leaf is done leaving appropriate gaps.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Poster Colors

Poster colors helped me to cultivate steadiness in my hand. Its an amazing medium of color where whites can give beautiful effects! The paintings below were originally oil paintings on canvas by some artists [i should have remembered the names!] but they can be imitated with poster colors on normal papers. It gives more or less similar effects.


Monochromatic color

Pencil colors

Coloring with pencil colors needs a lot of patience; it certainly pays off!

Thursday 6 June 2013

Oil Pastels

Only in childhood I had used wax crayons and plastic crayons and pastel colors... Never thought Oil Pastels could create  such wonderful effects! I really enjoyed using this medium, its fun and easy to use medium of color, you just need to have proper color sense. If used carefully with correct shading and smudging done it can create a picture as below...